The 5 Tastes Table

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Risotto Cakes

Photo: c. foodblogchef 2020

I’m a serious risotto lover. There’s something very gratifying about taking the time to stir rice in broth to gradually realize the beautiful creamy richness of risotto. But, what to do with the sticky pasty left-over risotto once it has cooled? It’s a sin to throw away left-over risotto! Here’s an easy recipe you can prepare in a few minutes that solves the problem of what to do with the leftovers of that fabulous risotto you so lovingly prepared last night. With a crunchy crust and creamy center, these risotto patties might even be more popular with your family than the original risotto. They’re great with a green salad for your next light meal. Top with a tomato relish with red onion, capers, chopped olives, basil, olive oil, and a splash of wine or sherry vinegar and you have an excellent starter for a big meal. I like to think of it as a “twofer”.

Risotto Cakes

  • left-over risotto (I used Lemony Mushroom Risotto from this site, but any left-over risotto is fine.)

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • Panko bread crumbs (optional for added crunch value)


  1. Using about a 1/3 of a cup of cold risotto, gently compress the sticky risotto to form patties (like hamburger patties) about 1-1 ½ inches thick. (See *Note below)

  2. Optional: spread some Panko crumbs on a plate and carefully press the risotto patty onto the crumbs to coat; repeat with the other side.

  3. Preheat a heavy bottom skillet over medium-high heat and add the olive oil.

  4. Once the oil starts to shimmer, gently place the risotto cakes on the skillet and don’t move them for 2 minutes. At this point check for the desired golden-brown crust; if it hasn’t reached a golden-brown, continue to cook for another minute. Gently turn over the cakes and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

*Note: if you don’t want to handle sticky cold risotto, using a 2 or 3-inch cookie-cutter as a mold and parchment paper on a flat surface, press the risotto into the round until you have the desired thickness for your patty. Use your fingers or a spoon to carefully push the perfectly formed risotto patty out of your cookie-cutter mold.