The 5 Tastes Table

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Asparagus Avocado Soup

Photo: foodblogchef 2020

Our soup-Jedi friend in Montreal makes great creamy soups out of her leftover vegetables or salads and herbs. She throws everything into a blender with some broth and crème fraîche and blends until smooth, et voilà! Great soup for lunch! I had some leftover asparagus and avocado that needed to be eaten, so I thought I'd try to imitate Jeannot's magic. After some research, this is what I came up with. C'est fun!

Serves 4-6

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 medium shallot chopped roughly

  • 2-3 inch piece of jalapeño seeded and chopped (a whole one to “kick it up a notch”)

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

  • a small bunch of asparagus

  • 3 cups broth (vegetable or chicken)

  • 1 avocado peeled, seeded

  • 3-4 teaspoons lime juice

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

  • 1/4 cup sour cream or crème fraîche

  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro for garnish (optional)

  • You can also reserve several asparagus tops for garnish

  • Tomato or finely chopped sweet red pepper can also be used as an optional garnish


  1. Rinse asparagus and chop 1-2 inches off base to remove the toughest part of the stalk.

  2. Add oil to the pot and sauté the shallot for 2-3 minutes over medium heat: add the jalapeño, cumin, and coriander and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

  3. Add the broth to the pot along with the asparagus, salt, and pepper, and bring to a boil and simmer until the asparagus is fork-tender. Remove from heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes.

  4. Transfer the asparagus mixture to a free-standing blender and add the avocado and crème fraîche. Puree until smooth.

  5. Optional: for extra creaminess, you can also sieve the mixture into a large bowl.

  6. Stir in the lime juice and adjust salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Serve with your choice of garnish.

*Note: this soup can be served hot or cold and is best eaten in one sitting. Much like guacamole, this soup is best eaten the day you make it.

Wine pairing: Sauvignon Blanc, Sancerre, Pinot Grigio, or Chablis are generally recommended.