The 5 Tastes Table

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Marinated Summer Vegetables

Summer in the Happy Valley is a time of abundant fresh vegetables from the garden or the many local farm stands and farmer’s markets. Here’s a suggestion for a salad of marinated summer vegetables. Feel free to use whatever fresh vegetables you have on hand. The vinaigrette ties it all together.  Serve the marinated veggies on a leaf of fresh lettuce as a refreshing light meal or a delicious side dish.  Save and refrigerate any left-over vinaigrette for up to 3 or 4 days.

Marinated Summer Vegetables
4 servings

· 12 Red or Orange Cherry tomatoes
·  1 ear of fresh corn husked and cut off the cobb
·  8 green beans; tips cut off
·  16 slices of cucumber (1/16-inch slice) (about a 4-inch piece of cuke)
·  1 tablespoon of chopped shallot or red onion (optional)

·  4 tablespoons of white Balsamic vinegar
·  3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey
·  2 tablespoons lime juice
·  ½ teaspoon kosher salt
·  ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
·  6-8 tablespoons olive oil (to taste)
·  1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves (I use lemon thyme if available)

1. Whisk together the ingredients for the vinaigrette.
2. Cut the tomatoes in half.
3. Cook the corn in boiling water for two minutes. Remove and submerge in cold water. Once cool, slice off the kernels.
4. Using the same hot water you boiled the corn in, blanche the green beans for 2-3 minutes until tender- crisp; remove and submerge in cold water. Dry the beans when you remove them from the water. Cut into 1 ½ inch pieces.
5. Peel and slice the cucumber.
6. Chop the shallot or onion. (optional)
7. Combine all the veggies in a medium bowl and pour over the vinaigrette. Allow the veggies to marinate for an hour.
8. Serve sprinkled with fresh thyme leaves and freshly ground black pepper.
9. Reserve and refrigerate any left-over vinaigrette for your next salad.

Wine pairing: a crisp dry wine like Chablis, Sauvignon Blanc, Vinho Verde, Vermentino, Rueda, Albariño